

On February 19, 2021, a German sci-fi television series created by Philip Koch called Tribes of Europa premiered on Netflix. After one season, the show had gone on to earn three award nominations and a 92% Fresh Critic Consensus from review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Before it received all the acclaim, it needed to be discoverable through the most powerful marketing tool: word of mouth. We were tasked with showcasing this German-speaking series to a global audience through a series of unique touchpoints that would create buzz and win prospective viewers over. 

3D Animation
Activation Strategy


A World Away went to work covering multiple aspects with the awaited launch of the series. We understood how social media and interactive creative capture the imaginations of potential fans, so we crafted a “faction” based marketing strategy that tied into series lore. Fans were able to showcase their favorite factions over Instagram stories by reposting creatives designed by A World Away’s team. Additional 3D design and marketing materials were impactfully added to the mix 14 days before airing as a final awareness boost. It took extensive resources and strategy to reach a final suite of materials for such a brilliant social media strategy to bolster the series launch, and we successfully deployed both for a winning campaign. 

Engagement On Launch

Our Work

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